The Benefits Of Going Alcohol Free

We planned to write about the benefits of going alcohol-free, but realised the best storytellers are you, our community, who've embraced this lifestyle. We asked you to share your experiences and you delivered with heartfelt, inspiring journeys of transformation.

The stories that follow showcase how an alcohol-free lifestyle can improve health, relationships, and overall wellbeing. As you read these testimonials, know they aren’t just stories - they're life-changing experiences.

Here's to the power of our shared stories and the vibrant, alcohol-free life!

Stopped drinking while pregnant/ breastfeeding and have just never gone back. So many non-alcoholic options are available now and I don't have to worry about what I feel like the next day! Makes it so much easier to just go out and have fun.


Being an athlete, the pull of alcohol was never strong for me. But, as I got older, social pressures made it harder to stick to that.

I found myself giving in occasionally, only to feel lousy the next day. When I discovered free spirit, I gave alcohol-free drinks a crack and never looked back. They've become my go-to for parties, and now I can have a great time without worrying about performance or well-being. Cheers to a healthier lifestyle!


 The benefits of going alcohol free are no hangovers and wasted weekends, clearer skin, more present in my kids lives, save money, no headaches and heart palpitations. I feel healthier in general - physically and mentally!


I started my alcohol free journey on the 1st July and I have felt so much happier, energetic and have so much more energy every day to keep doing the things I love. I have noticed I am less bloated and by im not getting the yawns in the afternoon like I was when I was drinking.


I've been AF for 18 months and what a liberation! No more late night trips to Uncle Dan's, no more hangovers, no more brain fog, no more around waiting for taxis. 
I love trying the amazing range of AF wines, beers and my favourite the botanicals. The variety is incredible.


Thank you for the opportunity to drink a very tasty Altina Rose.I have suffered cancer and this definitely helps my recovery without putting alcohol into my body.


After witnessing my dad struggle with alcohol, I knew it was not a path I wanted to go down. Last year, I made the decision to completely stop drinking. I'm not gonna lie, it was tough. I was so used to grabbing a beer with friends after work or a glass of wine during dinner!  But now, I'm grateful I took the step, because I've noticed an improvement in my mental clarity and physical health. More importantly, my relationship with my dad has improved, which is priceless 🙂


It just gets better and better, 2.5 yrs alc free. The clarity, improved  mental health, balanced hormones, fabulous sleeps, waking up fresh each day, driving anywhere any time. Being present for my children. Alc free options are a win! I love to be social, never feel like i'm missing out.

Life is really great, one of the best decisions I've made in my adult life.


Deciding to go AF wasn't an overnight choice, it was a journey. I found my social life revolved around alcohol - Friday night drinks, Sunday brunch cocktails, celebrations, commiserations - it was always there. But as I grew older, I saw its impact: interrupted sleep, low energy, mood swings. 

 I decided to go alcohol-free for a month. A month turned into three, then six, and now it's been two years. The transformation is remarkable. I'm more productive, energetic, and genuinely happier.  


I gave up drinking over a year ago and since then I have lost weight and gotten to my correct weight.

My skin complexion is so much better.

And best of all my skin is no longer dry and itchy all the time and the rashes have cleared up.

Best thing I chose to do after drinking everyday for over 10 years.


I have had lots of positive feedback for going alcohol free from friends and family.

The better part for me is that I:
  • have more energy
  • my mood has improved
  • sleep better
  • are more alert and talkative
  • feel comfortable Saying No to alcohol

I like having your non alcoholic drinks because it is good for your health and great to take to social events when you have to drive home.

The drinks feel and taste like you're having an alcoholic beverage.


Hi there. I’ve been alcohol free for over two years. While not a big drinker I also couldn’t moderate and drinking occurred every night. I’d try to stop at one and keep within the health guidelines of the time but it always ended up at 3-4 standard drinks after work. 

There was always a reason to drink  - whether I was happy ,sad  or bored! I was getting headaches often and was just not feeling on top of things so decided just to stop. I started off just seeing how long I could stop for and now I never want to drink again. The physical benefits for me are my skin is better, my weight is easier to regulate, and I don’t get the headaches and fogginess. 

Mentally I now tackle stress and work as myself - not with alcohol in the mix. I’m have a clear head to think things through and react in a more mindful way. I also can now enjoy happy events and experiences with people I love for what they are - not because I have a drink in my hand. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made to cut alcohol out of my life.

Thank you Free Spirit. You’ve actually been a big part of my success to do this. Without you providing all these amazing drinks and education and support for those trying to cut down and cut out, I know this would have been a lot harder. I never feel like I’m missing out because I’m not drinking alcohol. I’m winning !!  


So many benefits of being completely alcohol free! My highlights (5 months in) are so much better sleep, a general feeling of peace and calm, so much more energy & a clear mind that doesn’t procrastinate as it used to! I love all the AF drink options now as it still feels like you’re having a ‘grown up drink’ and having fun with friends. I have more fun now than when I was drinking!


I have been AF for 15 months after 35 years of drinking.

I am finding so many benefits from being AF. One big one for me is that I am simply a happier person. When you use alcohol to numb your emotions, unfortunately alcohol doesn’t choose which emotions it wants to numb, it numbs all your emotions. So I found that there was very little joy in my life. I found it hard to find joy in the simple things without having a drink. Alcohol had simply taken it away along with painful emotions.

Less anxiety is also a big benefit of being AF. The chemical imbalance that alcohol caused, would send my anxiety through the roof. 

Once I learnt the science behind what alcohol does to the brain, it was so much easier to quit.

I could go on about the benefits of quitting drinking, but I have to say it’s really nice to be actually able to live my life again, feeling all the emotions you are supposed to feel, good and bad. 


I decided to stop drinking alcohol nearly eight and a half years ago, after recognising that hangovers and impulsive decisions to drink more than I needed to, were hindering my productivity levels. Having made the decision, social situations were initially somewhat frustrating to navigate, as friends and family assumed that you would politely accept an offered drink, and were disappointed when you declined.
However, I maintained my will power and attempted wherever possible, to explain the reasoning behind my decision, without venturing into areas of judgement or "preachiness". I promptly realised that the absence of alcohol was having no measurable impact on my enjoyment levels at social gatherings, and in fact, I was probably even more at ease. I've since enjoyed zero hangovers, a considerable financial benefit and a complete absence of worry in regard to driving - you were never quite sure if one larger drink would result in you blowing over the limit! Being alcohol free has drastically improved my life and I'm proud of myself for doing so!


Six months ago, my doctor told me I needed to stop drinking due to a liver condition. I was devastated, but I knew I needed to make a change for my health. I started to look for non-alcoholic options, and your drinks have given me the opportunity to socialise normally, without feeling left out. My health has improved, and so has my spirit. Thank you!


When I lost my job during the pandemic, I fell into a pattern of drinking to cope. It was an easy escape, but I knew it was unhealthy and unsustainable. I stumbled across an article about the benefits of going alcohol free, and decided to give it a try. 

The first few weeks were the hardest, but I began to notice changes. I was sleeping better, my anxiety levels were decreasing, and I had more energy throughout the day. 

Now, I've been sober for over a year, and I'm in a much better place, both emotionally and physically.


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